Massachusetts: Updates, Emergency Orders, and Guidance:
COVID-19 DATA REPORTING: On April 8, the Department of Public Health issued an emergency order regarding collection of complete demographic information on patients with confirmed or suspected COVID-19. ORDER
GROCERY STORE OCCUPANCY: On April 7, the Department of Public Health issued an emergency order regarding grocery store operations and occupancy limits. ORDER
ORAL PRESCRIPTION FOLLOW UP: On April 6, the Department of Public Health issued an order regarding submission of written follow up procedures for oral prescriptions. ORDER | GUIDANCE
COVID PHARMACY ASSISTANCE TEAM: On April 4, the Department of Public Health issued an emergency order regarding the COVID Pharmacy Assistance Team. ORDER
NURSERIES, GREENHOUSES, GARDEN CENTERS, AND AGRICULTURAL SUPPLY STORES GUIDANCE: On April 4, the Department of Public Health issued guidance related to the operation of nurseries, greenhouses, garden centers, and agricultural supply stores. GUIDANCE
MAXIMIZING AVAILABLE HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS: On April 3, the Department of Public Health issued an emergency order expanding the availability of certain health care providers. ORDER | GUIDANCE
This order replaces a previous March 29 order by the Department of Public Health.
EXPANDED APRN PRACTICE AT DMH FACILITIES: On April 3, the Department of Public Health issued an emergency order relative to expanded practice by advanced practice registered nurses at Department of Mental Health facilities. ORDER
PHARMACY HAND SANITIZER ORDER: On April 3, the Department of Public Health issued an updated order permitting licensed pharmacies to create and sell hand sanitizer over the counter. ORDER
This order replaces a previous March 15 order by the Department of Public Health.
SKILLED NURSING CARE AND STAFFING IN ASSISTED LIVING RESIDENCES: On April 2, 2020, the Department of Public Health issued an emergency order regarding the provision of skilled nursing care in Assisted Living Residences. ORDER | GUIDANCE
CONSTRUCTION GUIDANCE: On April 2, the Baker-Polito Administration issued guidance related to the enforcement of COVID-19 safety guidelines and procedures for construction sites.
MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION IN COMMUNITY PROGRAMS: On April 1, the Department of Public Health issued an emergency order regarding administration of certain medications in Community Programs. ORDER
EXTENSION OF NON-ESSENTIAL BUSINESS CLOSURE: On March 31, Governor Baker issued an order extending the closure of non-essential businesses and organizations for in-person operations until May 4.
This order extends a previous March 23 order by Governor Baker.
PROHIBITING GATHERINGS OF 10 OR MORE: On March 31, Governor Baker issued an order extending the prohibition on gatherings of 10 or more people until May 4.
This order extends a previous March 23 order by Governor Baker.
HOTEL & MOTEL GUIDANCE: On March 31, the Department of Public Health released guidance for hotels and motels related to the Governor's order extending the prohibition on gatherings of 10 or more. ORDER | GUIDANCE | FAQ
STAY-AT-HOME ADVISORY: On March 31, the Department of Public Health announced that is Stay-At-Home Advisory issued on March 24 remains in effect. ADVISORY
SHAREHOLDER MEETINGS BY PUBLIC COMPANIES: On March 30, Governor Baker issued an emergency order regarding the conduct of shareholder meetings by public companies. ORDER
EOHHS ADJUSTMENTS TO ESSENTIAL PROVIDER RATES: On March 30, Governor Baker issued an emergency order authorizing the Executive Office of Health and Human Services to adjust essential provider rates. ORDER
LTCF TRANSFERS AND DISCHARGES: On March 29, the Department of Public Health issued an emergency order regarding long-term care facility resident transfers and discharges. ORDER
MA RESPONDS CORI CHECKS: On March 29, the Department of Public Health issued an emergency order authorizing DPH’s Office of Preparedness and Emergency Management to conduct CORI checks on volunteers who register with MA Responds to respond to the COVID-19 emergency without a notarized CORI Acknowledgement Form. ORDER
PERMIT EXTENSIONS: On March 26, Governor Baker issued an emergency order suspending state permitting deadlines and extending the validity of state permits. ORDER
BUSINESS LICENSURE: On March 26, Governor Baker issued an emergency order extending certain professional licenses, permits, and registrations issued by Commonwealth agencies. ORDER
APRN PRESCRIPTIVE PRACTICE: On March 26, the Department of Public Health issued an emergency order addressing independent prescriptive practice for advanced practice registered nurses.
K-12 SCHOOL CLOSURES: On March 25, Governor Baker issued an extension of the suspension of school operations for educational purposes at all public and private elementary and secondary (K-12) schools in the Commonwealth (not including residential and day schools for special needs students) until May 4.
This order extends a previous March 15 order by Governor Baker
EARLY EDUCATION: On March 25, Governor Baker issued an extension of the closure of all non-emergency childcare programs. Emergency childcare programs, as designated by the Commonwealth remain open.
This order extends a previous March 18 order by Governor Baker
GROCERY STORE AND PHARMACY OPERATIONS: On March 25, the Department of Public Health issued an emergency order addressing operation of grocery stores and pharmacies. ORDER
NURSE STAFFING: On March 24, the Department of Public Health issued an emergency order exempting hospitals from the nurse staffing requirements of M.G.L. c. 111, §231. ORDER
DETERMINATION OF NEED: On March 24, the Department of Public Health issued an emergency order exempting certain activities from determination of need approval, that are necessary to address COVID-19. ORDER | GUIDANCE
PHARMACY PRACTICE: On March 24, the Department of Public Health issued an emergency order regarding modifications to pharmacy practice. ORDER | GUIDANCE (see Pharmacies section)
DAY PROGRAMS: On March 24, the Department of Public Health issued an emergency order regarding provision of day program services provided in group settings. ORDER
CANNABIS CONTROL COMMISSION HAND SANITIZER ORDER: On March 23, the Department of Public Health issued an order permitting facilities licensed by the Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission to create and donate hand sanitizer to certain entities. ORDER
CREMATION VIEWING: On March 23, the Department of Public Health issued an order regarding modification of certain requirements for inspections by the Chief Medical Examiner. ORDER
LIMITING RMV IN-PERSON VISITS: On March 20, Governor Baker issued an order allowing the Registrar to extend vehicle registrations and modify the conditions of registrations, plates and titles. It also enables the waiver of certain inspection requirements. PRESS RELEASE | ORDER
SMOKE ALARM INSPECTIONS: On March 20, Governor Baker issued an order making a change to the inspection statutes that require a smoke and carbon dioxide alarm inspection prior to a residential real estate transaction. PRESS RELEASE | ORDER
PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE: On March 18, Governor Baker signed an emergency order extending professional licenses. ORDER
LOCAL BOARDS OF HEALTH & EMS: On March 18, the Department of Public Health issued an order regarding the sharing of critical information with first responders: ORDER
PHARMACISTS & OPIOID MISUSE DISORDER MEDICATION: On March 18, the Department of Public Health issued an order regarding the administration of certain medications for the treatment of opioid misuse disorder: ORDER | GUIDANCE
PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS: On March 18, the Department of Public Health issued an order regarding the flexible reassignment of Physicians Assistants: ORDER | GUIDANCE
HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS' REGISTRATION: On March 17, Governor Baker issued an order extending the registration of certain health care professionals' licenses. ORDER
ACCESS TO PHYSICIANS' SERVICES: On March 17, Governor Baker issued an order expanding access to physicians' services. ORDER
EMS CARE: On March 17, the Department of Public Health issued an order relative to Emergency Medical Services Care: ORDER
EMERGENCY CREDENTIALING: On March 17, the Department of Public Health issued an order implementing emergency credentialing and licensed staff transfer procedures for medical facilities in the Commonwealth: ORDER | GUIDANCE
HOSPITAL VISITOR RESTRICTIONS: On March 15, the Department of Public Health issued hospital visitor restrictions. ORDER | GUIDANCE
ASSISTED LIVING VISITOR RESTRICTIONS: On March 15, the Department of Public Health issued visitor restrictions for assisted living facilities. ORDER | GUIDANCE
ELECTIVE PROCEDURES: On March 15, the Department of Public Health issued an order mandating that hospitals must cancel non-essential elective procedures. ORDER | GUIDANCE
TELEHEALTH: The Department of Public Health has issued guidance that requires all commercial insurers, self-insured plans, and the Group Insurance Commission to cover medically necessary telehealth services, whether related to COVID-19 or not. For COVID-19 treatment, insurers must do this without requiring cost-sharing of any kind, such as co-pays and coinsurance. PRESS RELEASE | ORDER
OPEN MEETING LAW MODIFICATIONS: On March 12, Governor Baker issued an emergency order making modifications to the state’s Open Meeting Law to allow state, quasi and local governments to continue to carry out essential functions during the COVID-19 outbreak. PRESS RELEASE | ORDER
NURSING HOME VISITORS RESTRICTED: On March 12, the Department of Public Health issued an emergency order restricting visitor access to nursing homes and rest homes to protect higher-risk populations from COVID-19. PRESS RELEASE | ORDER | GUIDANCE
NURSING LICENSURE CHANGES: On March 11, the Board of Registration in Nursing updated its policies to expedite the processing of reciprocal license applications for nurses that are licensed in another jurisdiction to allow those applications to be processed in one business day. POLICY